Louis Caillé, developer at Hubup

Publié le 29 July 2024
Louis Caillé
Today, we give the floor to Louis Caillé, a full stack developer at Hubup. Discover his journey!

Louis, could you briefly introduce yourself?

My name is Louis Caillé, I am 25 years old. I joined Hubup in April 2024 as a Full Stack Developer.

What is your background?

After two years of preparatory classes focused on physics and chemistry, I entered an engineering school in computer science, where I followed a software engineering program. Subsequently, I worked for three years as a project manager and Full Stack developer at an IT services company that creates custom web applications for various clients.

How did you discover Hubup?

I discovered Hubup thanks to my cousin Cyprien, who is one of the partners. I have known about the company from a distance for a few years, but it was during my job search that I came across a LinedIn post shared by Cyprien. I seized the opportunity and ent him a message directly to apply.

What do you do on a daily basis at Hubup?

As a Full Stack Developer at Hubup, I work daily on bug fixes, improvements to existing features, and the development of new functionalities.

What is your greatest pride at Hubup?

I worked on the Livemap, leveraging it to streamline and optimize the real-time display of buses. These are small changes, but they improve the user experience and make it easier to use.

What is your hidden talent/passion?

I love cooking, especially baking. It’s always a pleasure to share this passion with my friends and family.